In a web application, we can create pdf using Browser print methods, third party tool, and we can also download the PDF on the client-side. You can check out the official documentation here. Adobe formulated PDF at around s. It has two primary goals. The first goal was that users should be able to open the documents on any hardware or operating system.
The second goal was that whenever a user opens a PDF document that must look the same. PDFs include text, images, embedded fonts, hyperlinks, video, interactive buttons, forms, and more. To handle the UI part, we should install the Bootstrap library in Angular. To add a custom name for the downloaded file, we can provide string value in the download attribute as shown below:.
To use in Angular, we can convert the href and download attributed to directives to take in dynamic values as shown below:. Note: Due to security reasons the download attribute follows same-origin policy so we need to provide same domain of file to be downloaded otherwise the download attribute will be ignored.
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